Are You A Wife Who's Feeling Stressed, Overwhelmed & Exhausted?
The Epic Wives Experiment is a 30-day experience designed to get you:
- More energy and vitality
- More emotional connection with your partner
- More support from your family so you can stop doing it all yourself
- Back in touch with your flirty, fun self
- Peace of mind (less anxiety)
Don't wait! Registration for the next Epic Wives experiment ends soon!

Participating in this experiment was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. If you're debating trying this experiment, do it!
EWE Graduate

I loved this experiment! It helped me become a better wife and it's helped my marriage so much! If I could do it all over again I would!
EWE Graduate

Participating in the Epic Wives Experiment was by far the best thing I will do this year.
It opened up a whole new world for me...
EWE Graduate

Doing the Epic Wives Experiment was some of the best money I've ever spent! Nate and Laura really want to see our marriages improve.
EWE Graduate
This Experiment Is For You If...

The Spark Has Faded
You used to have amazing chemistry with each other, but feel like the 🔥🔥 has been lacking lately... and you're ready to get it back!

You Feel Lonely
You often feel alone in your marriage... and you don't know why your partner checked out, or how to get them invested again.

You're Tired
You are superwoman. You've been carrying most of the emotional load in your relationship for a while now... and you're tired and ready for some help.

You Feel Resentful
You want to see your partner as the knight in shining armor... but lately, they seem more like the extra child you have to take care of.
We Created This Experiment For You!
Hi, we're Nate and Laura!
We work with couples every day to help them overcome their struggles...
And we've gotten tired of seeing the same pattern play out over and over again:
Burned-out, love-starved, stressed-out wives are feeling so overwhelmed with life and marriage that they end up quietly resenting their partner and their marraige.

The list of things we want for wives is honestly really small:
❤️ We want you to feel cherished, loved, and respected by your partner
❤️ We want you to carry less of the emotional and mental load in your relationship
❤️ We want your marriage to feel fun, exciting, and flirty again
❤️ We want your partner to adore you, and be excited about being married to you
That's not such a big list, is it?
So, to help the ladies we love to get these results, we built the Epic Wives Experiment!
Now, you might be thinking, "Come on guys, I've tried things to make my relationship better before... but it never helps! Why don't you talk to my husband? He's the one who needs to step up his game!"
We totally get it! I promise...
We see so many wives spinning their wheels, trying to get more done in less time, carrying the bulk of the responsibility for the quality of their relationship on their shoulders...
... and hey always end up burned-out, exhausted, and resentful.
And we don't want you to go through that!
Here's why:
Most women do one of two things when they're feeling overwhelmed and burned-out:
🦸♀️ They put on their super-hero cape and take on all the responsibilities they wish they had help with... even if it means sacrificing their health, sanity, and well-being in the process. Then they guiltily complain about a partner who isn't pulling their weight.
😭 They completely shut down. they turn off the physical and emotional intimacy in their marriage so they have the energy to do everything else. they pretend nothing is wrong, and accept this intimacy-free version of life as "normal."
Does this sound familiar?
I don't know about you, but neither of those options sounds very fun to us.
So, we spent months coming up with a game plan to give you a 3rd option!
We've curated a series of powerful experiments for you to conduct in your marriage. These experiments are designed to get you more love, connection, and support... all while putting in less time and effort.
Regardless of whether you've been married for 7b months or 70 years, our goal is for you to wake up next to a partner who wants to contribute more around the house, free up your time, spoil you, support you emotionally, flirt with you, and be excited about doing it!
You'll reconnect with that flirty (and dare we say seductive?) side of yourself that might have gone into hibernation for a while.
Now, whether you feel like your marriage is already strong, or you feel like the fire you feel for your partner needs to be stoked, we invite you to join us in the Epic Wives Experiment!
Use our simple (and quick) "experiments" to reignite the passion, connection, intimacy, and love for your partner.
It only takes a few minutes a day (we know you're busy). In fact, most of the "experiments" require less time than it takes to throw in a load of laundry.
Meet Your Guides

Laura Heck
Laura is a licensed marriage and family therapist with a M.A. in Clinical Psychology and is also a Certified Gottman Therapist (one of less than 300 in the world).
Together with the Gottman Institute Clinical Director, Dr. David Penner, Laura co-developed the Gottman “Seven Principles Program” and companion workbook, which couples use in conjunction with The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by Dr. John Gottman.
Laura has used her quirky and quick-witted humor to help thousands of people across six continents to improve their marriages.

Nate Bagley
Nate is a relationship researcher on a mission to rid the world of mediocre love. He has traveled the country interviewing hundreds of couples, along with hundreds of America’s top relationship experts for his podcast, Growth Marriage, to discover the key components for healthy relationships.
He is also a TEDx Speaker and the founder of the Epic Marriage Club, and he's a member of the Utah Marriage Commission.
Nate's work has been published by ABC, the Gottman Institute, The Good Men Project, Good Morning America, NBC, Thrive Global, and Fast Company.
Are You Ready To...
❌ Shoulder the whole emotional load in your marriage
❌ Be the glue that holds everyone and everything together
❌ Nag your spouse. to get the help you need
❌ Pick up the slack when they don't follow through
❌ Constantly sacrifice your needs for everyone else
❌ Feel overwhelmed, burned out, and lonely
❌ Do your best to "put on a happy face"
❌ Quietly fight back disappointment or even resentment
✅ Feel cherished, loved, and adored
✅ Get the help around the house that you need
✅ Get the emotional support that you want
✅ Rekindle some of that lost flame
✅ Relax without worrying that something won't get done
✅ Feel lucky to be with your partner again
✅ Feel "butterflies" when you're together
✅ Recharge your batteries without feeling guilty
Here's What You Get When You Join:
Weekly Deep-Dive Trainings
Learn the secrets to creating the relationship you want. Get decades of relationship expertise via short, powerful lessons. Re-watch them anywhere anytime!
3X Weekly Experiments
Experiments are where the rubber meets the road. You'll get 3 super easy, step-by-step experiments every week that turn your new knowledge into RESULTS! (Usually in less than 10 minutes.)
Private Community (Not Facebook)
Surround yourself with other epic wives and speed up your learning! You'll be blown away by how much you grow when you're surrounded by supportive people who are on the same path.
Q&A Calls
Sometimes you may feel stuck, or not sure how to handle a situation that arises. That's totally normal! Learning is a process. You’ll be able to ask your questions anonymously and we’ll answer them on weekly Q&A calls during the challenge. (And don’t worry, you’ll have access to the recordings too!)
BONUS: Tough Conversations
After the experiment is over and you've reconnected with your spouse in a totally NEW and UNIQUE way... you'll learn how to talk about the topics you’ve been tip-toeing around for the last month (or year, maybe?)… and have the highest possible chance of success.
What The Wives Are Saying
Here are just a few of the positive experiences the 1,000+ wives who have done the Epic Wives Experiment have had:

Frequently Asked Questions
Still got questions? No problem! Here's some answers to the most common ones:
Q: Don’t I have to convince my husband to do this too?
This experiment is designed in a way so that you should be able to get results without your spouse ever knowing.
There are no books. And there’s absolutely no therapy.
We use research-based principles and tools, to improve your relationship.
Because at the end of the day, most of us are never taught how to have healthy relationships. So we’re all trying to figure things out for ourselves.
But with the Epic Wives Experiment, you’ll have all the tools, tactics, and strategies you need to find health and happiness in your relationship.
Q: How will ME doing a challenge like this make my partner change?
When you change how you show up, you instantly change the dynamic in your relationship. You get new results.
It may take two to tango, but it only takes one person to totally change a relationship.
Q: You talk about "making my partner change..." isn’t that manipulative?
Great question. And no, the Epic Wives Experiment is designed to NOT manipulate your partner.
It’s about setting your partner up to succeed, to be the type of companion you need them to be, and that they ultimately want to be.
In most cases, your spouse WANTS to be good at marriage. They WANT to be a good partner to you. (If this is not the case, the Epic Wives Experiment probably isn't a good fit for you.)
All the experiment does is help you maximize the good you do, so you'll both be happier.
Q: What if I get behind? Life is pretty crazy and busy right now.
The first commitment you make when doing the Epic Wives Experiment is to do the experiment IMPERFECTLY.
The great thing about the Epic Wives Experiment is that we've specifically made the content easy to digest.
In fact, it only takes a few minutes to consume the content every day.
If you’d rather watch a video, you can.
Prefer to read or listen to an audio? Don’t worry. You can do that too.
You don’t even have to sit down... because we have an app you can download on your phone!
You can literally get through everything while you are washing dishes, driving to work, or working out.
It’s that fast.
Just listen and then implement.
You’ll be shocked at how fast you start to see changes in your relationship.
Q: Why isn’t it free? Money is a little tight right now…
We’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to study and learn the information that we’re sharing with you.
We’ve worked and trained with some of the most successful and well-known marriage researchers in the world.
And you get access to it all for less than the cost of one therapy session.
Plus the Experiment is much less expensive than the cost of a divorce, or even therapy.... just saying.
Isn’t the possibility of a stronger marriage worth the cost of getting your hair colored?
Q: This is just a “season” of our relationship? We’ll work through it...
It’s true. Maybe the frustration you’re experiencing is just a “phase” and all will work itself out.
But “hoping” that things will come together is not an effective strategy for life.
You can either take a chance and wait for things to get better (which they probably won't), or you can take action and experiment to ensure that things change.
The Epic Wives Experiment helps you do just that; take small actions that lead to big, positive changes in your relationship.
Q: But I'm not the problem! It's my spouse!
If that's the case, that’s perfect!
Just try this experiment out and see what happens.
Remember, you only have control over one thing in your marriage: you.
And this experiment focuses on the things YOU have control over.
Q: I’m feeling burned out. I don’t know that I can add another thing to my plate.
If this is you, then the Epic Wives Experiment is PERFECT for you!
Because in all honesty, if you don’t do something to combat the feelings of burn out now, it’s only a matter of time before you crash and burn.
And crashing and burning is often where conversations about divorce start...
Which is why the goal of this experiment is to help you combat and heal from burn out. To help you actually take things OFF your plate, while incentivizing your spouse to take more of the loud.
Q: What if it doesn’t work?
We’re confident the Epic Wives Experiment will help you improve your relationship with your spouse...
But if for some reason it doesn’t, and you decide the principles we share aren’t helping, then honestly we don’t deserve your money.
That’s why we offer a generous Good Guy Guarantee. If you've:
- Completed the experiment and
- 2) aren't fully satisfied (for any reason),
Just email our support team and we’ll process your refund. It’s as easy as that.